180 Homeshare

People who have just left incarceration need housing right away, but there is a huge gap in affordable housing options for them in the Baltimore region.

180 Homeshare provides housing to re-entry Home Seekers (individuals recently released from incarceration) in Baltimore, MD. Home Seekers are matched with Hosts from the community to participate in a homesharing living arrangement.

Homesharing is a living arrangement where two unrelated people share one home.

Each person has their own room, and common areas like the kitchen and living room are shared. It is an alternative, affordable housing option that can work for people of many different ages and life situations.

Interested in becoming a host?

Hosts receive $800 in rent per month.

To participate as a Host in the 180 Homeshare program, you must meet the criteria below:

  • Have a home with an available space for a Home Seeker. The available space must include a room with a door, a self-contained bathroom or access to a shared bathroom, and access to a shared kitchen
  • Be at least 30 years old
  • Be able to pass a background check
  • Not have a weapon's permit
  • Provide proof of homeowners' insurance
  • The home must not be in jeopardy of foreclosure, must pass home inspections without violation, and meet the standards of relevant Housing Codes
  • Be willing to participate in Host Homesharing Orientation and other trainings as needed
  • Complete the application and provide two, non-familial character references, that the Host has known for at least 5 years
  • Participate in an interview with homesharing staff

After your interview, the match process will begin. Homesharing staff will first make matches based on compatibility, resulting in a home visit, and a mutual decision between you and the potential Home Seeker about the match.

Seeking housing?

Are you seeking a homesharing arrangement?

To participate in the 180 Homeshare program as a Home Seeker, you must
meet the criteria below:

  • Be a returning citizen whom has spent a minimum of 5-10 years incarcerated
  • Plan to be released soon (within the next 3 months) or have been released for one year or less
  • Be at least 25 years old
  • Be a resident of Baltimore City or Baltimore County
  • Do not have custodial children needing co-habitation
  • Be willing and able to successfully save adequate funds to support independence after graduation from the program
  • No prior charge or conviction of arson or sex offenses

To Apply
Call 410-366-6180 or email sirim@stambros.org.

Homesharing staff will first make matches based on compatibility, resulting in a home visit, and a mutual decision between you and the potential Host about the match.

The Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy funded this project under subaward number PJRA-2025-0012. All points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of any State or Federal agency.